Interior Design with expert knowledge of the balance of feng shui, color, attitude and savvy. With over 25 years of experience, Jeanette Lynch-Lawler is and expert designer who loves to help her clients transform their homes from ordinary to extraordinary.





Creating harmony and “positive energy” in living spaces has become a global phenomenon used by people from all walks of life, including many major corporations. People intuitively feel better and become more effective and therefore operate at their fullest potential in environments where they feel good.

There are many benefits to practicing DEID™ in the home and at the workplace. The most prominent benefit is better health. Most people immediately comment on feeling like the have more energy and have a stronger and more positive lookout on things in general.

Our main goal at Jemeyson Interiors is to create a personal living environment for each client where they feel at home and comfortable in an original, fun, high energy, beautiful and balanced space 

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